this book are from real people and of the quality that you will be expected to interpret from in practice. The second edition of worldwide popular €˜The ECG Workbook€™ continues with a straightforward, systematic approach to ECG interpretation and includes:-TWO NEW chaptersCommon Arrhythmias explains five of the most common types of arrhythmia:
Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Flutter, Ventricular Tachycardia, Supraventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation, and a whole chapter is devoted to Ectopics and Extrasystoles.Contents include: Recording a readable electrocardiogram (ECG)
The electrical conducting system of the heart • A systematic approach to rhythm strip analysis
Heart blocks Common Arrhythmias • Ectopics and Extrasystoles â
The 12 lead ECG • Axis deviation •
Ischaemia, injury and necrosis
Sites of infarction Bundle branch blocks Chamber enlargement
A systematic approach to ECG interpretation.