The new gold standard for learning anatomy...
Atlas of Anatomy, Second Edition, is the essential resource for anyone studying gross anatomy. Packed with over 2,400 full-color illustrations, this atlas guides you step-by-step through each region of the body, helping you master the details of anatomy.
Key Features:
- Exquisite full-color illustrations with clear, thorough labeling and descriptive captions
- Even more clinical correlations help students make the connection between anatomy and medicine
- Coverage of each region intuitively arranged to simplify learning: beginning with the skeletal framework, then adding muscles, organs, vasculature, and nerves, and concluding with topographic illustrations that put it all together
- Over 170 tables summarize key anatomic information for ease of study and review
- Innovative, user-friendly format in which each two-page spread is a self-contained guide to a topic
- Surface anatomy spreads now include regions and reference lines or planes in addition to landmarks and palpable structures to develop physical exam skills
- Muscle Fact spreads ideal for memorization, reference, and review organize the essentials about muscles, including origin, insertion, innervation, and action
- New sectional anatomy spreads at the end of units build familiarity with 2D views of anatomic regions
- Access to PLUS, with over 500 images from the book for labels-on and labels-off review and timed self-tests for exam preparation
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